Thursday, October 25, 2018

October 25th 2018

If you haven't yet, please sign up for conferences:

A peek at our learning: 
Reading: How do tools help us do this with our hands? Skill: Cause and Effect 

Writing: Communicating Ideas through Drawings 

Math: Represent and Compare numbers to 10 

Science: The Engineering Process 

Important Reminders: 

Halloween is next Wednesday. I sent an orange paper home all about this in the Thursday folder. Here is a copy of that note: 

There will be no mass on Wednesday, so students DO NOT need to dress up. 

Kindergarten WILL BE attending All Saint's Mass on November 1st. Be sure to send your child in mass attire! 

Thursday, November 1st is a 3-hour early dismissal for conferences. 


Thursday, October 18, 2018

October 18th 2018

If you haven't yet, sign up for conferences:

A peek at our learning: 
Reading: How do tools help us do this with our hands? Skill: Cause and Effect 

Writing: Communicating Ideas through Drawings 

Math: Represent, Count, and Write Numbers 6-9 

Science: The Engineering Process 

Tomorrow is Spirit Day! Wear sweatpants for $1. 

Please be practicing the words "The, I, And, Like" with your child. These are the sight words we have learned so far!

I sent home our "just in case" clothes last week. Please switch our for warmer clothes and send back if you haven't yet. 

Feel free to send a large t-shirt for your child to wear when we do messy art projects!

Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Friday, October 12, 2018

October 12th 2018

A peek at our learning: 
Reading: What kind of work do people do? Analyzing Texts
Math: Represent, Count, and Write Numbers 6-9

Religion: We are children of God.
Science: The Engineering Process

Events Coming Up: 
-Saturday, October 13th: Spaghetti Supper
-Monday, October 15th: No School 
-Thursday, October 18th 7:30-8:00 am: Muffins with Mom

-Be sure to send your child in a warm coat, hat, and gloves everyday. 
-I sent home our "just in case" clothes today. Please switch out for warmer clothes and send back! 
-Feel free to send a large t-shirt for you child to wear when we do messy art projects!

The firefighters visited our class on Thursday for fire safety week!

Alphabet Dress Up Day was a hit today! It was so much fun. 

We started our day by doing an Alphabet Scavengar Hunt! 

After music, we made alphabet stew and sang a fun song! 

We also made alphabet slime. I think this was everyone's favorite part of the day! 

To end our day, we played alphabet pick up. 

Thursday, October 4, 2018

Alphabet Dress Up Day (October 12th)

I am so excited for this fun day next Friday. Please look in your child's folder to find out what letter they will be dressing up in honor of. Thank you!

October 4th 2018

I can't believe that it is already October!

A Peek At Our Learning:

Reading- Story Structure
Writing- Communicating ideas through drawings
Math- Comparing Numbers to 5
Science- The Engineering Process
Religion- Jesus Welcomes the Children

Dates to remember:

Friday, October 5th- Spirit Day! Wear sweatpants for $1.

Wednesday, October 10th- Kindergarten will be attending mass. Be sure to send your child in mass attire!

Friday, October 12th- Creston Public Schools are closed but STM will be OPEN. No busses.

Friday, October 12th- Alphabet Dress Up Day. There will be another blog post about this and a note sent home in the Thursday folder. Please let me know if you have any questions!

Saturday, October 13th- Spaghetti Supper!

Monday, October 15th- No School

Thursday, October 18th- Muffins with Mom

September 10th 2020

Amazon Wishlist: